This guide provide simple steps to show you how to refund a player for a cancelled court booking.
Step 1:
Head to the Booking Module within the Admin area (located on left side of admin screen).
Step 2:
You will first need to locate the booking, once the Booking Module has been opened a list of bookings will appear.
You can filter by date, time, court and name to make it easy to find the player you need to refund.
Step 3:
Once you have located the booking, click on the player. This will bring up their booking details.
Step 4:
Press the 'Refund' button next to the booking.
Step 5:
After you press the 'Refund' button, you will need to confirm this action to proceed with the refund by clicking 'Refund' again
Once you have confirmed the refund, the booking will change from 'Paid' to 'Refunded'.
Please Note: You will not be able to refund a booking after 59 days from when the payment was received. If you wish to refund after this time frame, you will need to do it offline/outside of ClubSpark.
Any comments?
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