The membership summary page provides an overview of your Clubspark Membership module in a handy one-page view of club operations. Here you will find data on membership revenue, membership numbers and account payment status. Further down the summary page is the list of the membership packages currently on offer at your club.
Here you can also set up your account with GoCardless to start taking membership payments online. Stripe can also be set up and used for credit card payments for membership.
The 'web page' button in the top right will navigate you to your venue's Clubspark membership page, while the 'Settings'
button will navigate to you to a further settings page to manage settings for communication with members on sign-up.
The breakdown of revenue is shown graphically. This can be viewed either by month (for a twelve-month period):
or your revenue can be viewed daily (for the week to date):
You can also see an overall summary of each membership package your venue has which includes total revenue from that package, the total number of active members within that package and the total number of packages sold.
The members' column will include pending and active members. While the sold column will include pending, active, lapsed and cancelled members.
Please note: That the number sold and the number of members may differ from each other due to the following reasons:
- Group Packages (Family or Couple Memberships)- 1 purchased membership (sold column) can equal to 2 or more members (member column)
- Date of Purchase Package- Members renew into the same package, however, are considered to be purchasing the membership again. This means that 1 member (member column) can equal to 2 or more purchased memberships (sold column)
- Lapsed and Cancelled Members - If a membership has lapsed or cancelled, this is still considered a sold membership package. However, the member will not appear within the members' column as they are no longer an active member.
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