You can duplicate an existing membership package to create a follow on package from a previous year's fixed date package - or to replicate a package 'based on the date of purchase'.
Please note: Before duplicating the packages make sure they are reverted back to the original year dates e.g 01/04/2023- 31/03/2024 as the duplication process will use these dates to add one year on. Same way if you change the dates part way through the year it's a good idea to revert them back before duplicating the packages before the Renewal period.
Step 1: Click on the Membership module in the left hand side of the Admin area
Step 2: Here you will see a list of your current membership packages. In the image below you can see that the packages are separated by 'Fixed date' and 'Date of purchase' memberships via the tab selection.
Step 3: The 'Duplicate' function is found by clicking on the blue 'Options' button to the right of the membership package - shown in the image below.
Step 4: Other options available here are the availability functions - to make the package, hidden, invite only or archived.
Click on the 'Duplicate' button to create a copy of the membership package and the following overlay will appear.
You have the option to import the active members at this point, by ticking the checkbox 'Import active members'. To create a duplicate package without importing the active members, untick this box before clicking on the blue 'Duplicate' button at the bottom of the overlay.
If you do decide to import active members this will save you having to import members another way e.g. from an existing package/ via a spreadsheet. Once this is done you can simply send those members a payment request, they can follow the link to make payment for their membership. If you don't import the members across when duplicating the package or any of the other ways. Members would need to go to your website fill out their details and then make payment.
Step 5: After the onscreen confirmation 'Duplication Successful' - you will see the package has been copied, with a number (the number represents the number of copies you have made to-date).
The 'Cricket Membership' package has been copied and is shown below as 'Cricket Membership Copy 1'.
You can change the name to reflect the new year's details (e.g. Adult 2024/25) by clicking anywhere along the row to open the new package and clicking on the 'Edit package' button under the membership package name to make that change. Scroll to the bottom and click on 'Save' when you have finished editing.
Please note: Duplicated packages will automatically show as 'Hidden', again the availability can be changed by editing the package.
If you have duplicated a membership package with 'Lapsed' members showing in the original package - these members will not be imported during duplication. To import lapsed members from a previous year's package - follow the 'Importing from an existing package' process into the duplicated package. You will be able to import both lapsed and active members at the same time following this process.
Any comments?
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