If you have paused a membership with direct debit instalments for example due to injury or illness; this guide will provide you with the steps required on how to resume their membership payments.
Please note: If you have paused any memberships regardless of if they pay via instalments or not, you can still resume them. They will not be charged anything further in regards to their membership.
Step 1: First head to the Membership module on the left hand side in the Admin area.
Step 2: Head to the package where you have a paused member and select all the member's who now wish to receive payments from and resume their membership.
Step 3: Once you have selected all your members, click on the 'more' button (icon with the three dots) and click 'Resume membership'.
Please note: The 'Resume membership' button will only be visible when within the 'Paused' tab of a membership package.
Step 3: Depending on what type of package you have (Fixed Date, Date Of Purchase or Continuous) will depend on what overlay appears:
- For fixed date membership's, you will get two options to collect all unpaid payments, which will be added to the end of their instalments or to continue without collecting any unpaid instalments.
If you click 'collect all unpaid direct debit instalments', this will add the remaining time to the end of the term length since. For example, if you paused their membership in May and resume in July and only two payments have been missed, their payment term length will end next June to ensure that the two missed payments are received.
- For date of purchase membership's, you will get two options when resuming your members; to collect all unpaid instalments and extend by time paused or to leave the end date unchanged.
- For continuous memberships, you will only get the one option.
Step 4: Once you have selected your option, tick the 'I confirm' button and then the blue 'Confirm' button to resume the membership(s).
Your member(s) will receive an email confirming with them that their membership payments will now resume/continue.
Any comments?
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