You may find that you have added a junior contact/member into your system, and you now need to link them to their main contact/parent.
This is automatically done when a parent/guardian purchases a coaching course or membership for their child, but can also be done via the Admin area. Follow the steps in the guide below.
Step 1: First, head to your Contacts module and find the junior that you need to add the Parent/Guardian to.
Step 2: Open up the record by clicking anywhere across the row and scroll to the bottom of their record.
Step 3: Here you will see if they have any 'Parent/Guardians' linked to their account (this is the person who will receive the emails when you email a junior contact) along with how they were 'added' i.e via Coaching.
If you need to add another Parent/Guardian, or they do not have any displaying, you will need to click on the blue 'Add parent/guardian' button.
Please note: This will only display for those who have the junior tag
Step 4: Once you have clicked on the blue 'Add parent/guardian' button, you will be taken to the following page.
Here you will be able to create a 'New contact' or choose an 'Existing contact'.
Once you have added these details click the blue 'Submit' button, you will then be taken back to juniors contact record.
The new Parent/Guardian will show that they have been added via the Admin area.
If you need to remove any of the main contacts from the juniors record at any time, click the blue 'Remove' button.
Any comments?
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