If you are trying to log in and you see an Access Denied messgae similar to the image below, this may be due to you accessing the ClubSpark website through a VPN.
Unfortunately, ClubSpark and our partners have seen a big increase in cyber attacks coming from VPN providers recently. As a result we have had to blacklist VPN users to keep user data safe.
A quick resolution is to turn off your VPN and you will be able to access the site.
If, for any reason you don't have the option to turn off your VPN, you will need to reach out to customer support on support@clubspark.com and provide the following information:
- Ray ID (as shown in the access denied screen)
- IP Address (click on : https://whatismyipaddress.com/ to find you IP address
- Website URL you are trying to access
The team will pass this information onto our IT security team and investigate further. Based on this investigation they may be able to unblock the VPN for you, but this is not guaranteed.
Thank you for your patience whilst we continue to monitor this, we don't like having to do this and penalise the majority due to a few that are trying to access for illegitimate reasons. Ensuring we keep your data secure is our upmost priority.
Additional note: NordVPN has some info on the difference/benefits on "dedicated IPs" for those users finding their VPN blocked. Clubspark are able to unblock users that have a dedicated IP through their VPN provider. The article is here: https://nordvpn.com/features/dedicated-ip/In particular the section on "Dedicated IP vs. shared IP" if you would like to read more on this subject.
There are some other differences between a dedicated IP and a shared IP. A dedicated IP is less likely to be blacklisted from certain websites; it enables you to avoid CAPTCHAs and makes online payments easy.
Any comments?
If you have any thoughts or comments on this article, please contact us at support@clubspark.co.uk